Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mr Ford and Spring

Tom Ford has always been a favourite of mine from his early days at Gucci, his few collections for Yves Saint Laurent and now under his own label. He is the epitome of savoir faire and modern dandyism. Forever stylish it seems that he has been born with an inherent gene of good taste and style. Mind you some of his choices I have not always agreed with. His advertising campaign for his fragrances was one of these choices. The fragrances themselves are brilliant, the bottle design wonderful, the advertising campaign not so much. I thought it was cheap and nasty from a savoir faire point of few.

Now this brings us to his collection for men for Spring Summer 2011. While loving Spring Summer 2010, this year’s collection is a lot more refined.

Where as 2010 there was a large emphasis on pattern and colour which would make the average man in the street run a mile, I think this season’s collection has something for everyone.

Classic styling with Mr. Ford’s characteristic vibe is still there, which begs me to ask the question, does Mr. Ford continuously draw his inspiration from the past, or is he afraid to experiment with new lines. That said, the styling and lines are classic, so there are no surprises there.

The pattern and the texture is still there, however it is not the emphasis of the collection. Pattern is there if you want it, if not there are plenty of other pieces to choose from.

Colours are more in keeping with what the modern man wants. While not exploring any singular group of colours, there is a wide range to satisfy even the most reticent among us with something.

What do you think?