Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Best Laid Plans!

So here I was this morning all geared up for the Lanvin launch at H&M. I had carefully considered what I was going to purchase and even estimating the sizes that I would require. Now of course savoir faire is not normally known for running and grabbing in a mad frenzy amongst other crazed shoppers, however I thought this was something that I should not miss.

After continuously checking the website and opening times of my local location I thought I was good to go. Woke up early (not too early), forsook my usual Saturday morning 7.00am start at the gym,, was even at the local market super early (they nearly fell over themselves),All these measures I thought would give me at least, 2 hours waiting in line before the 10:00 am opening.

By local H&M and the main store in Toronto is only 5 minutes walk away, so walked briskly over and low and behold, no line up outside the store! Wow I thought this is wonderful, only to get to the door, look in and see all inside! They opened at 8:00am instead of the 10:00 am opening indicated on the website.

Composed I walked through the frenzy of women with dresses stuffed into bags ( no respect here, I mean they were just stuffing $300 dresses into bags.) Down to the menswear and shock horror, nearly all gone! All was not lost, I did get 2 cardigans and the cutest little windcheater, however no bow tie which I was really wanting! They were all gone!


  1. A morning with crazed shoppers...take 2 Advil, have a drink and just try to pretend it didn't happen!

    Sorry about the bow-tie, the brown is so nice.

  2. Oh dear, these events tend to bring out the absolute worst in human nature. I'm sorry about your bow tie too. It sounds like you did go home with some lovely things though!


  3. A very cool Web site. I enjoyed "trying things on," and that sound track sounds so 007!
