Sunday, December 5, 2010

Parenting With Savoir Faire

The French parent even manages to cope with Savoir Faire!


  1. A great image - it reminds me of a 1930s Saturday Evening Post cover.

  2. Why are French, Spanish, Italian, Swiss, German and other non American children so well dressed? Why is it that American children all look like they just walked out of a walmart?
    If I ever have grandchildren I'm going to make them dress like European children.
    Yeah, I know, I'm mean like that!

  3. Well, one look at Mommy's shoes, and I know *I'd* get myself in line.
    I know that.

  4. I would like French mom's entire outfit please. Although if I dressed like this when out with my five year old son I would soon deeply regret it. However, it's nice to dream!!


  5. And they both look chic,I miht add. What an interesting photograph, remind me of the boy who passes my Atelier almost every day stopping by the windows but never allowed to come in by his Mother.:-)
    Thank you so very much for advising me to read "Flowers for Mrs Harris". I recall seeing movie based n this book and it had an enormous effect on me. I grew up ina Soviet Russia where having Diro gown was simply an imposible dream...Thank you for reminding me of this movie and the book!
