Monday, January 10, 2011

Are they Antlers On Your Wall?

As a trend Antler’s have probably done their dash. Herded like reindeer or moose they have popped up in all aspects of design and style these days. Whether from the catwalk to the latest in interior design the antler is appearing quicker than you can dispose of those tacky dollar store antlers everyone dons at sometime over the Christmas Season.

So at the moment nature is in and particularly the antler. Although some say it has done its dash, it has not hit mainstream design. We have yet to see it in Pottery Barn or the likes, which still gives the antler time to for us mere mortals here at Savoir Faire to still champion its cause.

It’s an iconic indication of some sort of rural lifestyle, I guess,” said the designer Rogan Gregory, who briefly displayed antlers in his store on Franklin Street. “It’s like, if a store has antlers on the wall, that somehow makes them legitimate.”

Conjuring up images of cottages and chalets, it is reinforcing our love of nature albeit in a strange way. Gone are the dusty old examples hanging on Great Uncle Angus’ wall above the fireplace. In their place we have wonderful, chandeliers, lamp bases and coffee tables fashioned out of Rudolph’s headgear.

Fashion is starting to embrace the trend with fashionable young hipsters wearing the motif screen-printed on T-shirts or fashionistas sporting antler earrings or pendants.

Used in countless fashion editorials, antlers are harking to a fantastic world full of lavish excess. Taking the antler out of its natural environment stylists have elevated it to levels of modern day glamour. On men and women we have seen them parade down catwalks in herds, turning the wearers into modern day Vikings, ready to conquer to new worlds.

Adorning handbags and shoes it is reinforcing our hunter instincts by wearing the spoils of our shopping trips like trophies for all to admire.

Wallpapers, single motifs on walls or gift tags the antler is bringing nature in doors, so that all that is needed to conjure up the look is a fertile imagination and a can of paint, instead of tramping the hills of Scotland for discarded pairs.

Not to escape our increasing urges to get fit the bicycle below is sporting antlers has handlebars.

So go ahead, and have fun, even if you have to resurrect Great Uncle Angus’ antlers, and make candelabra out of them!


  1. As you know, I'm a little warped by antlers due to my brief stint living with my brother and the "dueling deer-heads" But, I have to admit, I'm loving them done in the right way. I'm warming up to the idea especially as done at the El Monte Sagrado Spa in Taos with little pieces of turqoise and crystal's dangling from them

  2. i am really into this trend, but have yet to purchase anything..

  3. I've always admired antlers. Although I could never hunt an animal, I do like such home decor. As we deal with urban living, they speak to us of the wilderness and nature. I have antlers from deer and moose my grandfather shot decades ago, and a few little antique ones I brought back from the Tyrol. Over three decades, I've never grown tired of them, and they give a bit of alpine hunting lodge flavour to my home in the big city.

  4. I love the bike...and I (sadly?, not sure) have a balsa wood stag mount above my stove in the kitchen. I swear I purchased it before it became so ubiquitous. But, I love it regardless...and I've hung found objects from his horns.

  5. Traveller, yes they have to be done in the right way, I am really partial to them.

    Cara, yes I too have to purchase some form or another.

    Mr. SWF, How wonderful to actually have some with a bit of family history! As you say they bring pieces of another culture/lifestyle to our city abodes.

    Jill, I believe you!
