Monday, February 14, 2011

St. Valentine's Day 1900

While it is St Valentine’s Day I would love to post about one of my favourite books, which is set on St Valentine’s Day. Made into a movie it became the one of the most hauntingly beautiful pieces of cinematography I have ever seen.

Written by Australian Joan Lindsay PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK tells the mysterious tale of a group of schoolgirls and one teacher who, on Valentines Day 1900, disappeared up on Hanging Rock (a mysterious rock formation) in Victoria Australia , never to be seen again. To this day, there is still a great deal of confusion and misunderstanding surrounding the story by the general public.

Although she commands little more than half an hour of screen time, the film's central character is Miranda, a young student whose beauty is compared by Mademoiselle de Portiers to one of Botticelli's angels.

Sinister undertones, a stunningly beautiful soundtrack, romance and the great cinematography leave an indelible impression on reader and movie viewer alike.

Now that is all I am going to say, as the book and movie are well worth reading and watching. Subsequently with the way the book has been written one wonders if the events actually took place or not! It is mystery for all.


  1. A favorite movie. Seen many times.

    But I have not read the book--I will.

  2. I love this film also David!
    The cinematography and soundtrack are absolutely brilliant.

    I must get that on DVD and watch it again ... have a great day!

  3. David, I haven't seen this movie since it was released decades ago. I had forgotten that it took place on Valentine's Day. It was such an interesting film, I shall have to netflix it.
    Have a great Valentine's Day!

  4. David, I read your comments on my posting before this one — now you've really peaked my curiosity! I will check it out for sure ... Mark

  5. I am adding both to my Inter-Library-Loan Que immediately! Happy Valentines Day you great big blogging stud!

  6. Love this beautiful movie but definitely worth a re-viewing since I haven't seen it in quite a while. Wishing you a less mysterious Valentine's Day!!

  7. How is it possible that I have never heard of this movie? Must find it at once!

  8. How funny, I just recently saw this movie on Netflix (it's available on 'watch it now') and LOVED it! Somehow though, I missed, or forgot, that the picnic occurred on valentine's day!

  9. luuuuved that movie ! the georges zamfir flute is hypnotizing, and the light also. Probably one of the best Peter Weir's with "The last wave"

  10. I must admit that I am so surprised that the majority have seen this movie! It is one of my favourites and if you get a chance do find the book and read. When I was younger after reading the book, I thoug it was based on a true story!
