Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Savoir Faire List of Savoir Faire

Blogging! I am a relative newcomer to the blogging world, and when I started was not aware of all the great people and blogs out there. I have made many new friends out there, and love it. Here are a few blogs that are my favourites. If you are not included, do not despair! Everyone on my blog list on Savoir Faire is a favourite!

One blogger that has been constant inspiration is TJB over at Stirred, Straight Up, With a Twist . Just remember it is always 1962 over at SSUWT, and TJB’s posts are so witty and full of savoir faire they never cease to put a smile on your face.

My friend Kelly here in Toronto is author and photographer of Bitter Endive. Kelly her boyfriend Simon and cat Omar, takes us on a culinary adventure showcasing all those recipes you wish you had time for. Be sure to look for Omar popping up in the most unexpected places!

Jill over at Stella’s Roar has the most eclectic taste in everything! A force to be reckoned with in her home state of Texas. All I can say is she has some serious mojo!

Another fellow Toronto blogger is Square With Flair. A very elegant blog oozing with savoir faire and oh so intelligently written.

For all things Architectural visit Architect Design hailing from Washington DC. Absolutely wonderful posts and photographs that will leave you planning your next reno inspired by the great buildings featured.

A new Blog I have found is Eddi Haskells Second Life. For a bit of pure escapism and sexy savoir faire visit Eddi. What Eddi does with his photographs is amazing! There is also a bit of nostalgia thrown in for good measure, and you know how much we all like nostalgia!

YSLguy at Let Them Eat Cupcakes celebrates the joie de vie of the French with wit and charm! I love his posts as they are so full of panache!

Also visit Belle over at BHB. She has the most exquisite taste in practically everything while bring you all the biz from Beverly Hills!

Tristan at Enchanted Revelries has such a fertile mind that it is a hard to catch up with everything in his posts, but wow! A bit of everything here!
Other notable blogs that are an eclectic mix of savoir faire, the interesting and the quirky are Night is Half Gone, Doing Hard Time in Shaker Heights and Suffering Fools Badly.
So Savoir Faires do yourselves a favour, visit and leave you calling card.


  1. Thank you for the link my classy Aussi-Canadian fellow blogger.
    And I'm going to check out all of the blogs that you recommended that I'm not already reading. I love SSUWAT and Stella's Roar of course.

  2. Thank you for including've made my day a happy one. I'm off to check out your recommendations...I love learning about new blogs!


  3. I had checked out of blog land for a few days and what a warm welcome back. Thanks for the nod :-)

  4. You are all so very welcome! I love all your blogs respectively.
