Thursday, August 5, 2010

Below the Belt

Believe it or not one of my favourite belts and buckles is my old Boy Scout belt. I have been wearing it on and off for about 30 years. It incorporates a two of my favourite symbols, the fleur de lys is encompassed in the centre a reef knot and the Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared” is written above the knot. Everyone should have a motto and I have adopted this as mine.

I recently came across these fabulous Art Nouveau examples from Liberty designed by Archibald Knox and Oliver Baker. Designed at the height of the Art Nouveau movement these encompass all the hallmarks of the era. Silver and the turquoise coloured enamels are a fabulous combination and these leave me swooning.

On the other end of the spectrum these highly colourful resin buckles from Mark Joiner give an unexpected pop of colour where people are least expecting it!


  1. love the nouveau examples david, they are fabulous! but i can't go past the trusty broken hill issue scout buckle either, now that's history : )

  2. Those first silver belts with the hammered finish are GORGEOUS. Can you imagine them in some terrific hippy deluxe outfit? Lately I'm crazy about hammered finishes, and I took some plain gold bands from the pawn shop, and had the jeweller "hammer" them up. They look great...very Arts and Crafts.

    Thanks for drawing these to our attention.

  3. I love that you still wear it! So cool!
    I need a motto now. Best get to thinking.

  4. Jules, I just love my trusty Scout belt. as you say it is history. There is probably still some Broken Hill dust lurking in a crevice or two.

    SWF, The gold bands must look fabulous. Hippy deluxe, now that is a look.

    Jason, just wondering if you have come up with a motto yet?
