Friday, August 13, 2010

Savoir Faireaway (Giveaway)

Welcome to Savoir Faire’s first giveaway! This is in recognition of Savoir Faire’s 200th birthday last week and to thank all Savoir Faire’s loyal followers and soon to become followers.

Up for grabs are two items, the first being Paul Poiret’s autobiography “The King of Fashion”.

Self proclaimed king of fashion, he waxes lyrical about his rise to fame and this makes for fascinating reading. A great insight into the mind of the man who had all the savoir faire in the world!

Second being a tub of shaving soap by Pecksniff’s of England in Leather scent! For my gentleman followers or the man in your life, shave with some savoir faire!

Of course there have to be some rules with the giveaway and here they are.

Be a follower or become a follower of Savoir Faire.

Comment on this post indicating which prize you would like to receive.

Comment on another post on Savoir Faire from 2009.

Winners will be drawn on Friday the 20th of August at 9am (Toronto time) and notified accordingly.

Best of luck all and may your lives be full of Savoir Faire!


  1. I am a follower of Savoir Faire and I'd like to receive the shaving soap by Pecksniff’s of England if I am lucky enough to win!

    Thanks for organising, David. Have a lovely weekend!

  2. oh sounds lovely, but being without a special gentleman to give it to, i'm happy to leave my name out of the hat.

    and congrats again for the 200th, that's sensational!

  3. well, gee, I'm a follower too.
    And should the current Miss Savoir Faire be devested of her sash (after a terrible and humilating sex scandal?), I'd be honored to reign in her stead.

    Oh, and I'd like the book, since like Poiret I've decided to grow a beard for the winter.
    Now let me get back to 2009..

  4. Jason, So far my tracks have been covered, however should anything come to light, you will receive a sealed envelope by carrier pidgeon with instructions. Poiret it is.

    Will and Jason, so far I like your chances, you are the only two that have officially entered!

  5. Oh, I'd love to receive either, but I'll have to vote for the book since I'm forced to choose just one! I am a follower :-)
