Monday, May 30, 2011

Comment Au Go Go

After much frustration and really no help from the Google team(pictured below) I have managed to fix my comment problem. Now this a huge thing for me as now I can comment on you blogs. The longer the problem persisted the less motivated about blogging I was becoming!

However, now that all is fixed, I will be commenting on all your brilliant blogs shortly!


  1. Ohh the google team look like a bunch of bad guys from a really old James Bond movie hahah

    The Black Label

  2. They better get it together. I don't want to change, however I also don't want to disappoint my friends, followers and sponsors!

    A New very Exciting Giveaway from Tracy Porter will start on the 1st! That is if I can finish editing and post!

    Art by Karena

  3. Hello David:
    Your comment on our latest post is there, and much appreciated.

    Oh, the recent problems with Blogger. So frustrating and so difficult to extract any information whatsoever from 'The Team'.

  4. I am glad to hear that. I have to admit that I always like having your comments. Was it Explorer the problem?

  5. I have got your comment on my last post David.
    Sorry to hear you've been having problems with blogger ... glad to have you back!

  6. David problem solved!!!!
    I'm happy for you ... welcome!

  7. sometimes technology seems more frustrating than it's worth!

  8. Computer issues can be so frustrating - I had serious YouTube issues yesterday that drove me crazy - luckily I had Vimeo to switch to!!

  9. oh really - how did you do it?? i'm still having problems at times, and some blogs no problem at all, and others - no end of trouble.

    stinking blogger and their no help at all!


  10. Sorry to hear this- funny picture- that is how I picture them sometimes too, so frustrating!

  11. Ohhh google..I think I am going to switch over one of these days. I've noticed some weird glitches in blogger...

  12. For those that wre having problems,I used my name and URL to comment.

  13. Yes, I hate blogger or google problems too...I had so many in the last months and I even don't know why! I sometimes feel like I'm cursed or something. I have the feeling that in the last two months I was much more often on the google help site then on any other website.

    Welcome back.
    XOXO Joe

  14. I wish I could the google team to help fix all my blogger problems! Aren't you lucky! For me the help site is no help.
