Thursday, August 25, 2011

Living With Cavalli

There are several reasons why I love blogging. Of course there is the obvious reason, which is interaction with like mind people around the world who share common interests, and the amazing friendships that build over time by following each other’s blogs. Another reason is that while researching information for particular posts, the amount of information that pops up on related or similar topics. We well truly live in the age of information, which suits me fine.

While doing such research I stumbled upon the home of Florentine designer of Roberto Cavalli. Ok, I admit it I am not a fan of Cavalli’s work, while appreciating the colours and patterns, his clothes are a bit too in your face for me. However that is not to say that his abode is not in your face albeit in a different way.

The house created by Italo Rota sits in the hills overlooking Florence, is coated in metallic lace and ivy. This creates a visual that is constantly evolving and changing, thanks to the light filtering through the iron work and the natural wildness of the ivy covering.

Coupled with the ability at the flick of a switch to change colour this is definitely a show stopper. According to Mr. Cavalli’s whim or current mood the house will change colour. So if the day goes good, you’re happy and cheery…. you want bright colors to surround you. The showing in Milan goes bad; you’re gloomy; and voila you’re surrounded by dark hues.

I do love the clean lines and the metal lacework, as it is totally unexpected in this context. The climbing ivy and other plants help to ground the structure into the land it is built on.

Have a fabulous weekend all!


  1. What fun it would be to stay at Chez Cavalli....I bet he has animal print sheets!

    Enjoy your weekend

  2. the scale of the home is difficult to read, but that pool looks really small.

  3. David, you're my future husband from Canada and I am expecting this house! Haha... It is amazing isn't? I too agree with what you said about Cavalli.. Some of his creations are a little too much..

    Hugs!! ~Angel

  4. It is a bit like a church, post-modern-gothic or something like that, with all that playing with the light. Or otherwise a conclusive proof of the end of the empire!
    Really interesting though.

  5. Hello David:
    We do so agree about the information which is to be gleaned, almost unknowingly, through blogging of which this post about Cavalli's house outside Florence is but a very good example.

    A fascinating place but with the money which it must have cost to build we should, for ourselves, have preferred to renovate a Renaissance villa.

  6. I'm not a fan of Cavalli Work but this house is really interesting and great. Nice colors.
    Have a wonderfull weekend.

  7. Fantastic! I love the direct interaction with design so the idea to change colors however one feels is pretty great. Also, the intricacy of delicate lacework being done in strong metal is a great combo.

  8. Lace fasades... nice, delicate effect.

  9. i remember seeing this a couple of years ago while doing some research for school. i find it really impressive!

    Costin M.

  10. love the idea of metal lacework...that would be enough for me...all those lights are a little too disneyland....

  11. the landscape is what makes this place so interesting to me. would love to see it without the lighting effects, though.

  12. I like the look- it reminds me of a theatre we visited while we were in Vienna this spring- I'll look up my photos to remember what it is called-
    I love the last shot with the pool- so beautiful.

  13. Hi, David - This house is amazing — a beautiful idea and a beautiful result. My guess is that Cavalli lived in it for a while without the ivy and realized that it needed an added natural element to make it perfect. And now it is.

  14. I do agree with you about cavalli's fashion design, but the mere mention of iron lace work (of the modern variety) and I'm on board!

  15. i love the futuristic and eccentric combined design. I just love IT!

  16. wow looks amazing!
    thanks for the comment!!
