Nothing beats great sterling silver and some of the best comes from Mappin & Webb in London. Silversmiths to the Queen, Mappin and Webb have been producing quality silver since 1810.

Here is some silver from Mappin and Webb which savoir faire is seriously coveting, to make my life even more complete with savoir faire!
In my formative years I could have been educated, entertained and nourished with this porringer from 1938.

If I coddled eggs for breakfast I would definitely be using this fabulous sterling egg coddler.

Then during the day I would be storing my biscuits in this fabulous biscuit barrel from 1890.

I could also pass the time of day just looking at the below enamel box from the 1930's

Come time for champagne before dinner, nothing else would do other than this silver wine cooler.

Menus for dinner held within these fabulous little menu holders.

And to finish all off if I was to be drinking brandy and smoking a cigar after dinner, the fabulous cigar lighter shaped like a hand grenade from 1918 would be it!