Shorts are one of those spring/summer wardrobe staples that are so versatile and stylish; however the wrong pair of shorts can break you! Seriously gentleman, forget what you see coming down the runways or what is described as the latest trend where shorts are concerned. Trends are basically just that, trends, they might last a little while but they will go out of fashion.
There are some rules that apply when purchasing and wearing shorts. All the below might have seemed like a good idea at the time however you do run the risk of appearing in the future on blogs like this one in the “What Not to Wear Category”

So without the risk of being boring I am going to offer the following pieces of advice if you love wearing shorts as much as I do.
Over the years short lengths have plummeted up and down quicker than the stock market. Short shorts are really cool only if you are 20 something and have a killer body. For us mere mortals, I say stay away from them.

I remember my father and countless other men wearing long socks with shorts eons ago. So you say, it looks great on the runway, however unless done correctly you will end up looking like someone’s grandfather.

This also goes for socks, sandals and shorts! It is not a good look!

I know that sometimes we all bemoan the fact that menswear can lack innovation and we applaud those designers that bring new shapes and fabrics, however stay with a classic shape and length. The below for example, what are they, skirts or shorts?

To plaid or not to plaid? The same can be said of pattern. Again while sometimes applauding the designers who use colour, texture and pattern in striking new ways for menswear; just be aware that you are not going to look like Bozo the clown. The shorts below from Thom Browne are a wonderful classic style however the oversized plaid, is just a little bit too much.

Pattern also can be tricky. I really believe that you could only wear these once or on different occasions where you are sure that nobody has seen them before.

I do like clothes that define a waist, however hoisting your shorts (which are too short to start off with) up to your waist teemed with the polka dots, makes your shorts look lie a 1940’s bathing suit for women.

Also keep them tailored. Gym shorts are made that way for a reason, for the gym!

There is also a reason why cycling shorts are made out of lycra. I really don't think no matter how much you try and disguise them with layering, they will always look like cycling shorts gone wrong.

Length wise keep it on the knee, if you have to roll it up or let it down, they are not for you.

Also please try and get them to fit. A tailored look is best, not something that makes you look like you are wearing a nappy.

However all this said do try and cut a dash this summer, like the below which believe it or not come from Old Navy for $24.95!