As mentioned Worth are poised to relaunch their classic Je Reviens fragrance. This has long been one of my all time favourites and I have worn it for years. Unfortunately with most classic perfumes the current edition available is just a shadow of its former self. So let us hope that Worth gets it right this time.
While doing a bit of research for the Worth post I came across an interesting story of previous perfumes launched in the 1920’s through to the 1930’s including Je Reviens. With the names of 5 perfumes Worth created a little hidden poem on love.
Dans La Nuit (1924) in the night
Vers Le Jour (1925) towards the day
Sans Adieu (1929) without bidding farewell
Je Reviens (1932) I will return
Vers Toi (1934) to you
Given this I was wondering how to illustrate this poem and have taken a few liberties of drawing images from Helmut Newton and various other sources to do this. Mind you my interpretation is a little darker than what Worth might have had in mind; however I am happy with the result. I did have a little trouble sticking to just one image for each perfume, as you can see.
Dans La Nuit