The house created by Italo Rota sits in the hills overlooking Florence, is coated in metallic lace and ivy. This creates a visual that is constantly evolving and changing, thanks to the light filtering through the iron work and the natural wildness of the ivy covering.

Coupled with the ability at the flick of a switch to change colour this is definitely a show stopper. According to Mr. Cavalli’s whim or current mood the house will change colour. So if the day goes good, you’re happy and cheery…. you want bright colors to surround you. The showing in Milan goes bad; you’re gloomy; and voila you’re surrounded by dark hues.

I do love the clean lines and the metal lacework, as it is totally unexpected in this context. The climbing ivy and other plants help to ground the structure into the land it is built on.

Have a fabulous weekend all!