It is wonderful to see these innovative and interesting pieces design in men’s jewellery.
Basically limited to the usual chains, bracelets, rings and cufflinks, it seems that where men are concerned designers sometimes forget that we also like the allure of gold.

Now that gold prices are reaching all-time highs, maybe it is time to invest in a few of these conceptual statement pieces from Bevel in New York.

I am calling this Sacrifice before the fall, as the broody-boyish model is befitting of a sacrifice adorned in this somewhat macabre jewellery.

The line features ornate head pieces and necklaces that recall animal spines, and earrings that look like some wild breed of gilded insect crawling up your ear. As fine and delicate as the vertebrae of a sparrow, these shapes are melded and merged into what could possibly be occult ceremonial jewels.

We won’t be seeing these on the street I am sure, however as museum art they are fabulous!